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The No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast

May 27, 2019

New movies came out- and we gotta discuss which ones are worth seeing if you need a movie this week.

Also out but not new:

  • Avengers: Endgame (because we need MOAR...

May 24, 2019

This week we reviewed Aladdin, the Live-Action version that opened in theaters on May 24, 2019.

The No-Guilt Fangirl host Patty Holliday welcomes guest Renee Virata from Tales Of One Moms Mess to discuss their feelings- and y'all, they had some.

Especially when it comes to Will Smith as The Genie.

Full Aladdin Review: 

May 22, 2019

Gah- series finales. Super hard especially when you love the characters and stories so much.

Patty says good-bye to two of her long-time favorites this week: Big Bang Theory and Game of Thrones.

Read more about GOT:


If you've got a favorite series you...

May 16, 2019

Meet Diane and Sarah, two spanking new Marvel Cinematic Universe fangirls! With help from the Marvel Fairy Godmothers (that's Patty & Tania) they found a new love and new fandom in the MCU.

If you're interested in watching the Marvel Movies in Order, this is the list you'll need:

May 13, 2019

Join Fangirl Patty from as she hosts the first Episode of The No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast. The topic: The Game of Thrones.

She's joined by Nicole and Ashley, geeks since birth who have many thoughts about this series and... thoughts about how it just mind end. Join us for commentary on the cast, the...